Friday, April 22, 2011

A-Z Blog Challenge: S

S is for Support Groups on the A-Z Blog Challenge and Fantastic Friday Writers.

I find writing support groups a great help.  If you aren’t a member of any, I recommend trying them out.  But how do you find the one that’s right for you? 

Before I found my critique partners, I joined a few online communities and took advantage of the groups they offered.  Some were very blunt to the point of being tactless and harsh in their responses and being new at everything writing, I found myself hesitant to put my work up for review.  I saw responses to others’ who posted that really rubbed me wrong.  Short reviews like, “Don’t you read your own writing?  Who would want to read that?” or “I stopped reading and scanned the rest.  Yup, boring.”  True responses there.  I finally headed to another community. 

A few others had so little activity that I didn’t stay with them either.  I finally settled with one that I found helpful and had users that showed the patience I needed as a newbie.  I met Jen and Ana in the Fantasy Keep Novel Writer’s Workshop on that site and would recommend Writing.Com for anyone just starting out.  (Or anyone who would like to help newbies get going).   

Some of the online writing communities out there?  Here are a few…

AbsoluteWrite (for the thick skinned *wink*)
Authonomy (owned by Harper Collins)
Savvy Authors (mega site with lots of info for the serious writer)
Writer’s Café (a quiet site that I didn't dive much into, but calm and easy on the beginner)
Writing.Com (huge, a bit difficult to learn if you're new to the internet but has groups to help the newbies. Lots of info for the beginning writer)

These offer free accounts and paid membership if you want added features.
Of course there are groups on a national level that are genre specific that we can join.  Some only accept published ,authors but others welcome rising stars as well.  These also have local chapters you can join and mingle with those who have the same goals in common.

Here are just a few at the national level...

I apologize to all our non-American friends out there, I didn’t list those available abroad.   There are many, so check them out by searching online.

If you use support groups, which have you found to be the most helpful?  Feel free to link us up.

Check out the other Fantastic Friday Writers' blogs for more information on support groups!


Elizabeth Mueller said...

Great post! I loved those links. Thanks for taking the time in attaching them and all!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Best support group has been my blogging buddies. I have two test readers local, but now I also have three online critique partners as well!

M Pax said...

My local writers association has been great support, plus Blogger and Twitter. Goodreads is a good community, too.

J. D. Brown said...

Someday I will come up with the cash to join RWA and SFWA, but until then you and Ana are more then enough, you girls are a God-send. :)

Charlene A. Wilson said...

I'm glad the links were helpful. And thanks for the ideas on where to find more support. You're a God-send too, Jen. :)

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