Friday, December 23, 2011

Bring In The New Year With Prizes And A Blog Hop Celebration!

Charlene Blogs welcomes you to a 
New Years Blog Hop Celebration!  

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Beginning December 23rd and going until January 1st, every blog on the hop is giving away great prizes! So be sure to visit everyone listed below and get your contest entries in on all of them!  

Here's what you could win on Charlene Blogs!

A PDF copy of Cornerstone Deep and a $10.00 Amazon Gift Card!

There are a few things you need to do to qualify for the drawing. *wink*

  1. Leave a comment
  2. Include your email address (example: santa[at]yahoo[dot]com)
  3. FOLLOW Charlene Blogs 
  4. LIKE the Chronicles of Shilo Manor series Facebook Fan Page on the side bar.  You'll be the first to know about what's going on!  New releases, tours, giveaways, freebees, insights, and more!  

That's it!  You're done!  Entries will be taken until midnight January 1st.  Winner will be announced January 2nd!

Just get started by entering my contest then begin the hop! 

*Hint* If when you click on the next blog you're not taken to a new window, right click on the next blog and open in a new tab. Close that window after you've finished their contest requirements, come back here and right click the next blog. *wink*

Have fun!  And Happy New Year Everyone!

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vadeluna07 said...

Great giveaway! Thanks so much! Hope you have a very Happy Holidays!

GFC follower: vadeluna07

Anonymous said...

Have a happy holiday season! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Gfc follower Virginia
Liked facebook page.


katsrus said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I follow on GFC(katsrus) and liked your FB fan page(sue brandes). Thanks for the giveaway.
Sue B

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the giveaway and happy holidays! :)

GCF name: mikki-mano
Facebook name: Mikki ManĂ³
E-mail: mikki-mano AT hotmail DOT com

Keetra said...

Wow, thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
I follow you via GCF as keti, and I liked your FB page as Bree Min :)

Michelle Brack said...

Happy happy almost 2012!!!!

mmbrack AT earthlink DOT net

I hope Santa brings you everything you want!:-)

Charlene A. Wilson said...

Thank you everyone for stopping by! And a very happy holidays to you all! Gearing up for a big New Year's celebration! Good luck everyone!

Unknown said...

I follow on GFC and liked FB page as Teressa Oliver thanks for the giveaway

teressaoliver at gmail dot com

burbanette said...

Thanks for the give away!
GFC follower: burbanette
Liked you on Facebook as Stephanie Christensen

Georgia said...

Thank you for the giveaway:

GFC as either Georgia or Elmo (it can't make up its mind which to list me under)
I also liked you on facebook
my email addy is:

Gena Robertson said...

Thank you SO much for this generous giveaway opportunity!

GFC follower robertsongena

Liked you on Facebook as Gena Robertson


Eva's Flowers said...

Awesome Blog Hop, thanks for participating!
New GFC follower: Eva Perez
Also liked your FB page :)


Helen said...

Thanks for the great giveaway.
follow on gfc as Helen
liked fb page
helldog3 at

Abigale Charlton said...

Thanks for the chance to win!
followed with gf under abigale
liked fb under abigale

abicharlton at live dot com

June M. said...

Thank you for the giveaway! Hope you have a great New Year's!
GFC follower: June M.
Liked FB Page: June Manning
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Linda Henderson said...

Thank you for the excellent giveaway. I hope you have a very happy new year.

GFC as seriousreader

Facebook like as Linda Henderson

seriousreader at live dot com

Lilac said...

Hi Charlene great giveaway! I could use a $10 gc to get Cornerstone Deep Echoes! :D So I'm entering!

following by gf under Lilac
liked fb page as Lilac

mslilac [at] live [dot] com

Charlene A. Wilson said...

Welcome to Charlene Blogs, everyone! The hop is going great and we still have three days counting down. Thank you all for stopping by and entering. It will make the drawing fun!


Shadow said...

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! Thank you! Happy new year!
gfc- shadow_kohler
fb- shadow kohler

Charlene A. Wilson said...

Thank you all for taking part in the New Year's Blog Hop Celebration! Everyone did a fantastic job. :)

Drawing the winner NOW!