Monday, July 25, 2011

Where It All Began

As I come to the end of book two in my series, Chronicles of Shilo Manor, I'm finding my mind wondering back to where it all started.  The idea.  The actual birth of the story. 

If you don't already know, this series blossomed from a dream I had.  Well, I "thumbed" through my archives and found the original scene I wrote--what happened in the dream.  As I read it, I realized this short would be a perfect freebie for my ShiloManor.Com site.  So, I took a little break from Cornerstone Deep Echoes and went into site admin mode.  I added The Transformation of Anna to the Extras page on the site dedicated to this series.

If anyone is interested in how it all began...and, well, how my sleeping mind works, lol, hop on over and read the portion of the dream that actually grew from a nightmare to a paranormal romance.



Christine Rains said...

Love that photo and your dream. I've given you an award on my blog. Please stop by and spread the love! :)

Charlene A. Wilson said...

Thank you so much, Christine. :)