Right now, we're celebrating the holidays with the 12 Days til Christmas Countdown and it's my day to post.
But before we head to the Realm, if you've missed the past posts and Fan Celebration details, you can still catch up and try to win those days' prizes. Daily entries count toward a chance to win the $20 Gift Certificate Grand Prize! Find them here:
And remember there are extra ways to win lots of entries lurking around these sites, so hunt those treasures!
Now, on to...
Now, on to...
Wednesday's prize is
Two e-copies of Cornerstone Deep and matching printable bookmark! One set for you and one you can gift to a friend.
Two e-copies of Cornerstone Deep and matching printable bookmark! One set for you and one you can gift to a friend.
Wednesday's Treasure Hunt Question:
Since I can't bake, what did I introduce as a substitute for my family tradition?
Answer can be found in my post at Ravencraft Romance Realm.
Enter your answer in the Rafflecopter under Wednesday Treasure Hunt Question.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Daily prizes will relate to that day's topic. If you miss a day, don't worry, entries will be taken all week. A winner will be drawn from each category/day. The grand prize winner will be the one who earned the most entries and found the most correct answers. In the case of a tie, a winner will be drawn at random from the top entries. Winners will be announced no later than Monday the 24th at Charlene Blogs.
Here are the links we're be using this week...
Author site: http://CharleneAWilson.com/
Blog: http://bit.ly/CharBlogs
Facebook: http://bit.ly/CharleneAWilsonFan
Highlighted Author: http://HighlightedAuthor.com/
Ravencraft Romance Realm: http://RavencraftRealm.blogspot.com/
Chronicles Series site: http://ShiloManor.com/
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/charleneawilson/
Have Fun and Good Luck!
Until next time, may your dreams be magical.
A Kindle Fire :)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Thanks for stopping by bn100 and Cassandra. Maybe we can help with books to go on them, eh?
Have a wonderful holiday and good luck!
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