It's the Friday the 13th Blog Hop!
and she will display the link to the next stop in the Hop in her post. Each blogger will do the same, so you'll be visiting every link in the Hop's chain. If that host is offering a giveaway on his/her blog, go ahead and enter to win their contest.
*NOTE* These contests are not connected to the grand prize drawings at the end of the Hop! They are for those individual blogs.
Follow the links as they lead you to the grand prize forum at the end. Fill out the form provided there and you'll be added to the drawing. Among the prizes are books, gift cards, and a Kindle. That's right. Enter to win and you'll have a chance at the grand prize--A Kindle!
So, if you came to me first, you might want to skip over to her and follow the chain. You don't want to miss out on the great posts the others are sharing! With all the amazing authors taking part, this should be a fantastic day of hopping!
*NOTE* These contests are not connected to the grand prize drawings at the end of the Hop! They are for those individual blogs.
Follow the links as they lead you to the grand prize forum at the end. Fill out the form provided there and you'll be added to the drawing. Among the prizes are books, gift cards, and a Kindle. That's right. Enter to win and you'll have a chance at the grand prize--A Kindle!
So, if you came to me first, you might want to skip over to her and follow the chain. You don't want to miss out on the great posts the others are sharing! With all the amazing authors taking part, this should be a fantastic day of hopping!
Friday the 13th
The first Friday the 13th of 2012 has many meanings. It’s the “Blame Someone Else Day,” the “International Skeptics Day” and the “Make Your Dream Come True Day.” Sounds like some great themes for a BLOG HOP!
But probably the meaning that sticks out the most in my mind is the unlucky, scare-me-to-death day that the movies portrayed as I grew up.
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)
Enjoy a little taste...
But we're going to change the meaning for you and give you a chance to win on this Hop!
What I'm offering here on Charlene Blogs:
A PDF of Cornerstone Deep $5 Amazon gift card .
There will be two winners.
- One will receive a PDF copy of Cornerstone Deep
- One will receive a PDF copy of Cornerstone Deep AND a $5 Amazon gift card.
All you have to do to be entered is:
- Join Charlene Blogs and be counted as a friend.
- Leave a comment with your email address so I can contact you if you win. (example: signmeupto [at] win [dot] com)
(I'd love you to join me at my Facebook Fan page too. *wink*)
It's as easy as that!
I'll announce the winner for my giveaway on Saturday the 14th. Details on the grand prize giveaways are in the forum at the end of the Hop.
Okay... Here's the link to your next stop. Just click the image and you're on your way. Have fun! See you again soon. *smile*
Get ready. We're making this Friday Lucky!
I can't believe there were that many Jason movies :0
GFC- Krysta Banco
Like on FB- Krysta Banco
Those friday the 13th movies were rampant, yikes.
ChelleCordero @
Oh no no, no Jason movies for me thank you! :)
I find some of the old black and white films the scarriest. Never saw a Jason movie and couldn't bring myself to see the Exorcist. Yeah, I'm a fradie cat.
I hadn't realized how many Jason movies there are. Not a big fan of those I prefer the old ones like Dracula.
Signed up for your newsletter
Liked your facebook fan page Jean Patton
skpetal at hotmail dot com
How could I not love this blog!? Not only is it my 50th bday on Fri the 13th...but it was all about the movie, which I have a "sorta" connection with. The first movie was filed in Blairstown and Hope, NJ, where I am from. Also, in the original first movie, about halfway thru..right befor the lead counselor is killed...he is sitting in a diner talking to a waitress. I worked at that diner for 4 years as a cook...standing at the grill you can see in the background. They came back to the areaa for #7 and the cast and crew came to the diner to was awesome!
I'm already a friend and I would love to win! writinginwonderland(at)gmail(dot)com
Thank you for the giveaway and have a safe Friday the 13th.
GFC as seriousreader
seriousreader at live dot com
I have always loved the Friday the 13th movies. I am already a friend/follower (GFC: June M.).
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
thanks for the chance to win, I couldn't watch your Friday the clip my 4 year old is in the room and would have freaked :) Maybe I"ll come back and watch it later!
I am a scaredy cat when it comes to horror movies. On Friday 13th it's not the superstitions that get me, it's how crazy people actually act...LOL
koonie2888 at yahoo dot com
I don't like many horror movies.. I'm such a scaredy cat!!!
I do like Candyman tho....
Thanks for stopping by, everyone. I have to admit, I could never sit through all of any of the scary things! ;D I did see the Exorcist when I was a teen, Sharon, and was freaked for the longest. Lol. I'm like Shadow and Michelle...a scaredy cat.
Krysykat, Chello, Jean - I was surprised at how many there were too! Makes me wonder how so many people love that kind of rush. I'm a mellow sort. I like a little jolt every now and then, but wow.
Aww, come on, Danielle. Just a little clip. Lol.;)
Yeah, Sacannah, don't let the little one in on it. ;) Come back later for a little freakout.
That's amazing Betty! Happy Birthday! How fun would that be to have the cast and crew where you worked. Thanks for sharing!
Current friends are always welcome in the drawings June and Sylvia! Most definitely! :)
And yes, yes, Michelle! I think you're right. Friday the 13th brings out the weirdness in people. Lol!
You be safe too, Linda!
Good luck on the Hop!
I hate gory, bloody movies! Scary are okay, but no blood and gore, ICK!!
Thank you so much for participating! I love finding new to me authors!!
GFC follower robertsongena
Gena Robertson
I'm with you, Gena. Especially if it's over the top and too fake. But if I do a horror story, I'm more for the suspense.
wanting a win here!
Mary Hazlett
The original Halloween scared the bejebbers out of me for years! Loving this hoppy thing, it's my first! seritzkoATgmailDOTcom
Can you believe I never saw a Friday the 13th movie! I'm a wimp when it comes to horror movies! But love reading Vamp and other paranormal romance!
So thrilled to meet you and learn you have a book out I must check!
cathiecaffey @
(also now following your blog as friend!)
I can't stand horror movies they give me nightmares.
GFC follower - Sherry S.
Facebook - Sherry Strode
strodesherry4 at gmail dot com
Marytattoo - Now there you go. Right to the point! Hahahaha. Good luck!
Glad you're having fun SusieQ. I've done several hops, but none quite like this. These are great authors to work with!
No worries, Cafey and Sherry. Cornerstone Deep isn't a horror's very much a romance. :)
This contest for Charlene Blogs is now Closed......................
We safely made it to Saturday the 14th. :D
Thank you everyone who entered for the PDFs and $5 Amazon gift card. Check back later today when I announce the winners!
Good Luck!
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