I like to post the credible reviews I receive on my website. What I really like to use are reviews that give opinions on the characters, story line, writing style, and why they'd recommend it to others. Tidbits about the story and characters are great. These good reviews carry weight to sway readers to pick up our book and read for themselves.
I've compiled a list of sites that I'd like to share with you. This is a simple list of good sites that review books; the name of the site, link, and what they consider. Unless there's a single genre listed, you might want to go ahead and check it out to see if you can use them. Many accept both fiction and non-fiction.
Keep in mind that sites that offer this service generally get bombarded with requests. There might be a lengthy waiting line. But we're in this writing career for the long haul, right? So, don't get discouraged. Accept the date they offer with a sincere thank you and put it on your calendar. You'll still be promoting six months from now, even a year. (Some work with you if it's a new release).
Since the list is a bit long, I'm cutting it into several posts. I'll add part two next week, so drop back by.
A Million Words
All genres
A Romance Review
Romance mainstream and erotica
Alternate Reads
Romance and other genres
Bitten by Books
Black Raven's Reviews
Book Reviews by Suzie
New Age, romance, non-fiction, self-help, and paranormal.
Book Spark
All including non-fiction
Book Wenches
Various genres
Breakout Book Reviews
All genres
Coffee Time Romance
Romance and other genres
Dark Divas Reviews
Romance and erotica
Dark Readers
All genres
E Finds
Mystery, suspense, horror, paranormal, non-fiction and general fiction.
“I do NOT review unsolicited sci-fi, erotica, fantasy or romance.”
“I do NOT review unsolicited sci-fi, erotica, fantasy or romance.”
Fallen Angels Review
Several genres
Fantasy Book Review
YA and children's fantasy novels.
Fiction Vixen
All genres except YA
Ghostwriter Reviews
Various genres
Got Romance Reviews
All romance except for erotica
Historical Novel Review Blog
Historical Fiction Up to 1900
I hope you'll find this list helpful in your search for quality reviews for your works. If you have one you'd like to add, please share. I'll add it to next week's post. :)
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Great list! Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the list. Just what I need.
Great list Charlene. Mind if I copy and use it on my website? I have a huge list of links for writers and it would be great to add all these to the list. :)
Thanks, ladies. Hope you find some good ones to review your books.
Anastasia - Sure, you're welcome to add the list to your site. Everyone can use extra help in their search. :)
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