Friday, February 15, 2013

Shilo Manor Anniversary Tour ~ Stop #1

That's right, we're doubling up on Virtual Book Tours! One for Kami's is still going strong, but it's time to begin the Chronicles of Shilo Manor's Anniversary Tour put together by Full Moon Bites *WooHoo!*

Our first stop is at My Seryniti, and Nova has reviewed both Cornerstone Deep and Cornerstone Deep Echoes. Her rating? 

4 Exclamations!

Here's a peak at what she had to say...

"The characterization in these was my favorite part. You can really feel what the characters are feeling and without giving away spoilers, I can say that it is an amazing love story. It’s about really finding your soul mate who has been reincarnated! I mean, I can imagine this of course but what Charlene A. Wilson brings to this story far exceeds my imagination. And book two picks up right where Cornerstone Deep stops."

Hop on over to read the whole review and while your there, leave a comment and thank her for taking the time to review the Chronicles. *smile*  

I'm giving away two signed paperbacks for this tour and Full Moon Bites gave you several ways to gain more entries to win.  

Good Luck!

Follow along to see what these reviewers have to say. Here's the tour schedule:

Tour Schedule:

Feb 15th- My Seryniti 
Feb. 18th- Crazy Four Books 
Feb. 19th- Kaidans Seduction 
Feb. 21st- The Avid Reader
Feb. 22nd- I am, Indeed 
Feb. 25th- Book Lover's Hideaway 
Feb. 26th- A Book Lover's Library 
Feb. 28th- Sparring Stepsisters 
Mar. 1st- Harlie's Books 
Mar. 5th- Sweet n' Sassi 
Mar. 7th- Always a Booklover 

And here's the tour schedule link at Full Moon Bites:

Until next time, may your dreams be magical.  


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