You should always check the agent’s or publisher’s guidelines before sending out a query. A lot of them will let you know what they’re looking for. If they’re vague, these tips might help. : )
Keep a query to one page. They should include the title, genre, word count, a brief description of your work and any experience/credentials you may have.
Address the query to a specific individual, not “To whom it may concern”, or “Dear Agent”. Do some research. Some companies have several agents/editors that work with specific genres. Address your query to the right person to decrease the chances it will get lost in the slush pile.
Just an example...
George didn’t come to
I am member of the Chicago Writer’s Guild of North America and an active journalist for the Chicago Sun Times. I am the recipient of the Chicago Star for creative writing and one of my short stories was awarded second place in the Humorous Tales Competition of Illinois in 2006.
Thank you for your time and attention.
I found this example at Writing Hood and wanted to share it. Personally, I’d put the title and word count in the first paragraph, and let them know I’d be happy to send them a copy of my manuscript upon request.
Good luck in your query writing!
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